Monday, April 5, 2010

Something New

As many of you know, it's been a long time since I've made a blog entry.

The simple fact is I can tell you the exact date of that entry, where I made it from and what it represented to not just me but 30 percent of the Gannett workforce nationwide. On December 2, 2008 I sat down at my laptop and fired through my final post for my blog "High Above Home Plate" after spending the afternoon being informed that as a part of a massive layoff nationwide and more importantly at the Courier-Post, the newspaper I had called home for 20 years no longer needed a Phillies beat writer.

Now some would be bitter about the experience. Fine, I have had one or two days in which you could say I was bitter but for the most part I've stayed upbeat. See, I stole a line from "A League of Their Own" for that final blog when I wrote "there is no crying in baseball," and guess what, there is still no crying in baseball.

That said I figured that it was time to at least start blogging again about Philadelphia sports and in particular the Phillies. Some of you may remember my blog "High Above Home Plate" and some may not but all that matters is the future.

Fortunately, Philly Sports Central comes along at the right time for me. When I checked out the site I noticed the suits intended to have blogs associated with the site and figured it couldn't hurt to contact the hierarchy if they could use my services. I think you know what the answer was and with that I'll be blogging three or four times a week in an effort to help the site and get back into a writing flow.

This blog will be a combination of my opinion, attempts to understand a team's philosophy and being the so-called devil's advocate. Of course there will be some posts that make no sense to anyone but me because I want to just make myself laugh. It will be about all Philly sports from professional all the way down to high school but I think we can all agree it will have a certain Phillies lean on most days.

As always your opinion counts. I have never shied away from interaction with my readers as many of you can attest and that will never change. If you have any ideas, complaints or - screw the compliments - I'm listening.

Last but not least I am going to continue tinkering with the format, presentation etc. I have to impress those in charge of The Phield for next year and I know presentation is a part of the voting process. The cool thing is I have the time to tinker since according to The Phield I am "haplessly" unemployed.

Hope this all works out and see you over the next few days, weeks and months.

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